To provide additional clarity around how our reports and scorecards are calculated, here's a breakdown of the key differences between various report types and scorecards, as well as how the data is sourced and processed.
Creative Level Data | Ad Level Data |
Pre-Flight Scorecards
Pre-Flight Scorecards are also considered creative-level data because it is scoring the creative assets that you upload.
Adoption, Adherence, and Impressions Adherence Reports
These reports focus on creative-level data, offering granular insights into your adherence to specific criteria. The reports exclude media where only ad-level data is available, such as:
Carousel Ads
Advantage+ Ads
Dynamic Creative Ads on Meta
By default, reports show asset-level data, providing detailed insights into each creative. If an ad contains multiple assets (e.g., Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) ads or some carousels), switching to the ad-level view combines all assets into a single score, ensuring a complete picture of ad performance. To learn more, check out this Help Center article: Understanding Ad-Level vs. Asset-Level Views in Scoring Reports
Ad Account and In-Flight Scorecards
Scorecards, on the other hand, rely on ad-level data, providing visibility into adherence across ads. Because scorecards use ad-level data while Scoring Reports use creative-level data, the number of creatives counted in each may differ.
In-flight Scorecards are based on the date when impressions are served. Any creative that was live within the selected date range (i.e., had impressions) will be included in the scorecard, regardless of whether it can be scored.