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February Product Update
Sam Schlessel avatar
Written by Sam Schlessel
Updated over 9 months ago

We have recently released a series of new updates to our product lineup, aimed at enhancing your experience and maximizing creative potential.

In this article, we'll delve into the latest features and improvements, empowering you to make the most out of VidMob's innovative tools.

Platform Updates

Improved Team Member Invite Process

  • Value: Inviting team members to VidMob just got easier. With this update, easily invite many members to many workspaces all in one invite, monitor pending invitations, and remove members from your organization.

  • Impact: Faster onboarding time and improved user management across the organization.

  • Users: All users.

  • How to use it: From the People page, click “Invite” in the top right corner. Enter multiple email addresses, specify roles, and select workspaces. Invite teams by adding their emails or searching for existing organization team members. Paste comma-separated lists of emails to avoid manual entry (limited to 100 emails). New members receive just one invitation to the organization, and will be granted access to all assigned workspaces. Existing members won’t need to accept additional email invitations to new workspaces. Check invitation status on Pending Invites tab. Organization Administrators gain ability to cancel and resend invitations, remove users from the Organization, and assign roles with higher permissions in bulk.

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Ad Account tagging with Brand & Markets

  • Value: Users can now filter Scoring reports by brand and markets that are specific to each connected ad account.

  • Impact: Increased granularity in filtering reports. Reduced need to create additional workspaces to support this granularity.

  • Users: Organization Administrators, Scoring Managers and Workspace Admins can label ad accounts on the Integrations-Manage page. All users creating reports in Creative Scoring can take advantage of these labels.

  • How to use it: On the Integrations-Manage page,

    • Individual Ad Accounts: Click on the Brand Cell or the Market Cell in the row of the Ad Account you wish to label. Select the Brand(s) or Market(s) that apply to this ad account. Click “Apply” when your selection is made.

    • Bulk Ad Accounts: Click in the check boxes next to the Ad Accounts you want to label. Then click on the "Label As" button and select Brand(s) or Market(s) for the ad accounts you've selected. Click “Apply” when your selection is made.

    • Note: Applying multiple brands or markets to an ad account will yield less accuracy for filtering in reports.

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SSO - Support for Multiple Email Domains

  • Value: Organizations that have team members on different email domains or work with partners from different email domains can now enable those domains in their organization with SSO (Single Sign On).

  • Impact: Additional security for Organizations with multiple domains.

  • Users: All users can sign in with SSO if configured for their domain in their organization.

  • How to use it: Reach out to your Client Success Manager to enable SSO for your organization.

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Analytics Updates

Creative Comparison Report

  • Value: Introducing a faster way to group your creative when creating a report. You will be able to generate custom groups based on which elements appear in creative and when.

  • Impact: A new report to take advantage of custom creative groups based on quick filtering will bring a huge time save in being able to analyze creative. This report type also brings the ability to compare the performance between creative that contain a specific element against creative that do not contain that specific element.

  • Users: All users with subscription to Analytics

  • How to use it: To create this report, use the left navigation and click into the Creative Comparison Report. Or use the left navigation to click into the reports section, then click “Create Report”. Then click “Add custom group” create a custom group of creative by filtering based on containing specific elements.

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Reports Enhancements

  • Value: Bringing a myriad of customer love enhancements to our reports in analytics.

  • Impact:

    • Introducing the ability to save the Creative Leaderboard as a report

    • Sharing the URL of a Report to point your team to that report within the organization

    • Updating our left navigation to better highlight our different types of reports

    • Adding a “select all” for each high-level objective in our Global Filters

    • Allowing for saving of Custom Groups for multiple ad accounts

    • Adding the ability to filter the reports you see in the reports landing page by Created By

    • Carrying over any adjustments made to global filters from Reports into Creative Manager /Campaigns.

  • Users: All users with subscription to Analytics

Scoring Updates

Brand and Market Identifiers & Filtering In Scoring

  • Value: Users can now designate a brand and market for pre-flight and in-flight media and subsequently customize Scoring reports based on these selections.

  • Impact: The brand and market filters in Creative Scoring Reports now rely on the brand and market settings established at the ad account level for in-flight media, and on the identifiers set during the creation of a pre-flight scorecard. This enhancement offers greater granularity in reporting data and diminishes the necessity to create additional workspaces to accommodate this level of detail.

  • Users: Organization Administrators, Scoring Managers and Workspace Admins can label ad accounts on the Integrations-Manage page. All users creating reports in Creative Scoring can take advantage of these labels.

  • How to use it:

    • Setting Brand & Market - Pre-flight: Scorecards > Create New Pre-flight Scorecard > Name Scorecard > Select Reddit> Select Brand(s) > Select Market(s) > Upload Media > Submit

    • Setting Brand & Market - Inflight (via Ad account): See details here

    • Filtering By Brand & Market In Reports: No Change (filtering results will now be based on brand and markets set using the mechanisms above)

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Reddit Added to Scoring

  • Value: Users can now establish specific criteria tailored to Reddit and score both pre-flight and in-flight Reddit media accordingly. Additionally, Reddit best practices are now accessible.

  • Impact: Adhering to best practices helps ensure that creative is well-designed and optimized for their intended platforms. The addition of Reddit to Creative Scoring will help users improve their effectiveness in reaching and engaging their target audience on Reddit, ultimately leading to better ROI results.

  • Users:

    • All Creative Scoring users (Pre-flight)

    • Users with the permission to connect ad accounts (In-flight)

  • How to use it:

    • Creating a Pre-flight Scorecard for Reddit: Scorecards > Create New Pre-flight Scorecard > Name Scorecard > Select “Reddit” under channel > Select Brand(s) > Select Market(s) > Upload Media > Submit

    • Connecting Ad Account to Unlock Automated Inflight Scoring For Reddit: See here

    • Saving a Inflight Scorecard for Reddit: Scorecards > Ad Account > Search for Reddit Ad Account(s) (must be connected in step above) > Select Reddit Account > Filter Scoring Results (Optional) > Select “Save As New In-flight Scorecard)

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New Brand Awareness Criteria

  • Value: Users can leverage new brand awareness criteria in Scoring; Brand Audio Mention, Brand Audio Mention In the Last X Seconds, Brand Name or Logo Shown in the last X Seconds

  • Impact: Brand visibility is a crucial element in advertising for several reasons. For audio, hearing the brand name mentioned by talent can help improve brand recognition and recall. This can be particularly effective in situations where the advertisement is primarily audio-based. Additionally, by featuring the brand elements prominently at the end of the ad, viewers associate the content they've just seen with the brand. This helps build a stronger connection between the brand and the message conveyed in the advertisement.

  • Users:

    • All Creative Scoring users

      • Note: New criteria can only be added to a workspace by those who have permission

  • How to use it:

    • Criteria > Add Criteria

      • Note: Ensure the the appropriate brand identifiers are set (see help center articles)

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