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Onboarding Schedule
Onboarding Schedule
Sam Schlessel avatar
Written by Sam Schlessel
Updated over a week ago

Prepare for your kick off call

Below are some questions we encourage you to discuss prior to your VidMob Kick Off Call and a few actions to take prior to kicking off.

What we’ll cover and how long will it take?

  • Kick Off Call: 45-60 Minutes

  • What does success using VidMob's platform look like to you and your team?

  • What are key goals you're looking to achieve throughout onboarding?

  • What are the Top 3 (or most important) goals for [Client] regarding creative?

To Do (in advance of the call):

  • Complete VidMob Genius courses before Kick Off Call

  • Connect Ad Accounts prior to or on Kick Off Call

  • Confirm campaign and assets that will be analyzed over the next 8 weeks

  • Run a Scoring Report to be reviewed in Week 1 Status Call

4 Week Breakdown


What You'll Learn

To Do

Week 1

Are your Ads meeting Platform Best Practices?

What Hypotheses are you looking to test?

Recap Creative Scoring 101 & Validate that all campaigns/assets we’re looking to score are appearing on platform

Go Over Creative Scoring Report Results off of Kick Off Call

Begin the framework for output- the deck we’re looking to build

Determine the Hypotheses to test and run live over next 3 weeks

Schedule a Consulting Hour to be used ahead of Week 2 status!

Week 2

Compare your creative drivers and what elements within your ads matter the most

Discuss & Review the Hypotheses being tested

Comparison Reports 101

Custom Groups 101

Schedule a Consulting Hour to be used ahead of Week 3 status!- suggest we use this to strategize around the edits potentially being made to existing creatives to be tested and run live

Week 3

What Themes & Key Insights am I seeing in my ads?

Updated Creatives have been set to run live by today

Discuss and put together the final deliverable (deck) on this call

Compile all Key Themes and leave room for any VidMob feedback as needed

Schedule a Consulting Hour to be used ahead of Week 4 status!- suggest we use this to continue strategizing and editing the final deliverable, prior to final review with Exec sponsorship sign-off

Week 4

Has data informed creative impacted your bottom line?

Review the assets that have been run live

Final output Review

Schedule a Consulting Hour to be used if final edits and training is needed

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